Component Menu



    A custom error page for the 404 (page not found) error. The component shows an image inside a giant "404" text, while providing additional information and a CTA that redirects the user to a page of your choosing.


    Edited 1 year 8 months ago



      The "404" component should be used when the user reaches a page that does not exist.


      The 404 number is a mask, so a solid image may be needed to use the component as it was intended.



      Create a 404 Error message, that is, when the user enters a nonexistent URL (`Example: []( exampleofnonexistentpage)`)


      ⚠️Note: Create only one 404 page!





      Step by step:


      Component Structure in Canvas Layout:

      1. On the page you want to add the banner, click on the **+** of the Layout Canvas;
      2. Identify the 404 component in the list and add it by grabbing the component and dragging it to the Layout Canvas.



      Component Customization:

      1. Double click on **404** for editing;
      2. Edit the following fields:



      - Background Color
           - Add the block's background color, choosing the colors from the brand's palette.

      - Text Image
           - Image that will be the background of the 404 texts.

      - Description - Text
           - Enter text to introduce the user to what this page means.

      - Description - Color
           - Font color of the above text.

      - Button - Text
           - Text that will be displayed on the redirect button.

      - Button - Link
           - URL for the button. In this case, we recommend adding "`/`" **only**, that way the redirect will go to the home page.





