How to create a new page?

Step by step how to create a new page and the main informations that you need to provide.

To create a new page to your website, you need to follow the steps:



1. Log into your account;

2. Go to Manage > Content and click the "+ Add Content" button;
3. There are a few types of pages that you can add. But for normal pages you need to add the "Basic Page" one, since the others are for specifc types that you'll use for components.

The informations that you need to input:

  • * Title: It'll appear on the tab of the browser. It's the title os the page, so choose wisely ;)

* Checkbox - Available for underage:  Check this box if this page needs to be accessible for everyone. In case if your brand doesn't have restriction, or if the page that you're creating is a "Terms of Conditions" for an example;

* Checkbox - Show in search results: Check this box if you want this page to appear on the search results. This will work only if your website have this functionality;

* Metatags: It's important to register the metatags for SEO purposes. If you're in doubt of what you should register, please, contact your analytics team;

* URL Alias: If you let it generate automatically, it'll use the title of your page and separate with "-" (Example: But you can uncheck the box and inform a custom one.

When you finish customizing and creating your page, there are two options before you save it. You can save as:




* Draft: Which means that it will not go live. It's recommended if you need someone's approval first;

* Published: If the page already finished and approved.


After that, you are ready to go!