How does Acquia measure websites?


In Acquia Site Factory standard subscription entitlements are measured some metrics with the following being the key metrics:



See others metrics, when applied here: 


Dynamic Requests definition

Dynamic Requests include all requests served by Drupal, including: 

  • Successful Page Loads
  • Redirections
  • Image Derivative Generations
  • Page Not Found
  • Failed Page Loads

Dynamic Requests DO NOT include: 

  • Requests served from Varnish cache or an external CDN
  • Requests for images, files, and other assets or resizing
  • Cron Runs


  • Improving cache rates will reduce the number of Page Views that Acquia counts (see below the Caching layer section)
  • Acquia does not count "static" files, such as simple images, PDFs, word documents, and other files that do not require a dynamic generation or compilation (i.e. files that do not bootstrap Drupal).



More info about page views: and


Caching layer in Acquia

Varnish® cache is a caching reverse proxy installed in front of all Cloud Platform load balancing servers. Varnish increases application performance by caching anonymous user connections and serving them from memory instead of making requests to the Apache webserver.

More info about Varnish for Drupal caching layer: and


Sites definition

For purposes of determining the maximum number of websites permitted under Customer’s Acquia Site Factory subscription, the term “website” or “site” shall be defined as the combination of a distinct custom domain and the distinct content uniquely associated with that domain. This limit shall not apply to any secondary or “vanity” domains which redirect to or render the same content as, the primary domain associated with a website.


More information here: 


Your Site Factory is provisioned with a default domain name, ending in "". You can purchase a domain and associate that custom domain name to your websites and site collections hosted on Site Factory. 


More information here: 


Stacks definition

More information here: