What is Site Studio?

 | by  Da Vinci Core

What Is Site Studio?

Site Studio, formerly known as Cohesion, is a Drupal product from Acquia that makes it easy to build a component-based website. Site Studio transfers the Front-End theming layer to the UI and gives content editors and marketing managers more control than ever over their sites. It provides a new site-building paradigm that's far more efficient than traditional builds.

The tools and features that come with Site Studio provide an excellent base to start with that allows client-side developers to contribute to a build from Day One. The low-code nature of Site Studio shields content editors from the Drupal backend and allows developers to focus on the overall content editing experience they're creating. It also provides your development team the ability to create elegant, performant, more powerful sites in half the time.

Let's break down the top points that contribute to the above philosophy.






Site Studio is designed to be low-code. This can mean a lot of things for different systems; however, in the context of Drupal, this is an important point to highlight.

Drupal inherently has its own hooks and other functions in place that make it a very powerful but also customizable CMS. However, to be able to use these ideas and functions correctly requires some prowess that a developer who has never touched a Drupal site will most likely not possess.

This is where the low-code nature of Site Studio really shines. New developers do not need to learn hooks, template suggestions, or any of the other Drupalisms that you will find on most sites. By layering Site Studio on top of Drupal, we now have a mechanism that takes care of the heavy lifting that we as developers use to write in custom functions. Site Studio may be low-code, but it is certainly not low on features.



Low-Code on Da VInci


Inside Da Vinci this means that once we have a library of functions, components and templates you don't need a lot of techincal knologe to create new pages. Our ready to use components are avalible in all websites created in Drupal 9. You can see all the componentes and feature in our library