
SSO: Configurations

Edited 2 years 2 months ago

Step by Step


Appling the Components:


1. To work properly, each SSO component must apply on a different page, follow the instructions here.


2. Pay attention to the URL alias of each page to fill the SSO Routes.



Configuring the Single Sign-On


1. Go to Configuration > System, select AB Inbev Single Sign-On Settings and fill the fields:


General Settings:


• API Base URL: inform the API SSO base URL.

• APIKey: inform the ABInbev authorization APIKey code.


• Brand Information: fill in the pieces of information about your brand.


2. Click on "Save configuration" and go to the tab "Routes".





ABInBev SSO Routes: On each field of Routes inform the URL alias of the corresponding page to SSO type.

Ex.: The field "Login" is the Route that displays the "Login" form. Inform the URL of the SSO Login form.


3. Click on "Save configuration" and go to the tab Strings.





• Form labels: texts shown in the labels of ABI SSO forms



 Form Button Labels: texts shown in the button labels of ABI SSO forms.


 Form Field Descriptions: texts shown in the form field descriptions of ABI SSO forms.


 Messages Validation: texts shown when validating ABI SSO forms.


 Messages API: texts shown as responses in API requests.


4. Click on "Save Configuration" to finish.