
Pages: Products

Edited 2 years 2 months ago

Step by Step



1. To create a Product page, in manage go to Content > Add Content and select "Produto".


2. In the Page Create Product, on the tab "Detalhes" choose one of the product types described below:


• Add Product: Beer (New)

• Add Product: Mixed Drink (New)

• Add Product: Non Alcoholic Beverage (New)


3. Inform a title and define if this page product is available to an underage person (in the case of non-alcoholic beverages).


4. The steps below are to create a Product page for Beer.



Configuring Sizes 


1. On the tab "Sizes”, fill in the information about a product packing, you can add how many products you want by clicking on “Add Produto: Tamanhos”. 


• SKU: packing code provided by the sales team.

• Tamanho: packing volume. Ex: 330ml.

• Título da Embalagem: It's the name of the packing. Ex: Long Neck 330ml.

• Descrição: description of the packing/product.

• Imagem: choose an image file to upload. The format recommended is 260x690px with transparent margins to help with proportionality;

   ◦ Alternative Text: text used by screen readers;

   ◦ Title: text used by tooltips when the cursor is on the image.


2. When several packages are added, you can either edit the packages added with the “Edit” button, remove them using the “Remove” button in the drop-down list, or rearrange the order of the packages by dragging them inside Sizes.



Tab: Cadastro Manual do Revendedor


1. This field refers to where the product can be found. You can add how many dealers you want by clicking on “Add Produto: Revendedor”.


• Revendedor: search the name of the dealer. If the dealer is not registered, to create go to /admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/product_dealer/add.

• Link: paste the URL to redirect the user to the dealer's website 



Tab: Integração 2 Buy:


1. The integration code is made available by the Lett team for the integration with 2Buy. If you want to manually register dealers, leave this field blank.





Configuring Product Information


1. On the tab Product Information, fill the fields with details about the product, on the page  Beer are the following information:


• Alcoholic Volume: Alcohol content of the product in percentage.

• Bitterness (IBU): Product bitterness

• Body: body of the product;

• Temperature: Ideal consumption temperature of the product.

   ◦ From: Minimum temperature;

   ◦ To: Maximum temperature;

   ◦ Unit: choose temperature measurement unit


• Styles: To add a style, you can choose one that already exists in the taxonomy by clicking on “Add existing taxonomy term” or, if the desired style does not exist, create one using the “Add new Taxonomy Term” button.



Configuring: Sections


1. The “Sections” tab allows you to add additional information about the product. It is customizable and can have text sections, icons with a legend for harmonization, ideal cup, origin and, also icons with nutritional information.


2. To add a new section click on “Add Product: Sections”, on the fields you can inform a title and choose the content type of the section. The options of content are:


• Term List: Icons list with a title (Ref: Product Goes well with).

• Nutrient: Icons list with a content for nutrients registered in the Taxonomy

• Simple Text: simple text to descriptions. (Ref: Ingredients)



Section content: Term List


1. Selecting the "Term list" option, you can add a new term or use a any term already registered. To create a new term, you must to choose the on of the Taxonomy categories bellow and click on "Add new taxonomy term":  


• Ideal Glass: recommended for the "Copo Ideal" section;

• Tasting Notes: recommended for the "Notas de Desgustação" section;

• Origin: recommended for the "Origem" section;

• Harmonization: recommended for the "Harmonização" section;

• Ingredients: recommended for the "Ingredientes" section.


2. After choosing the category, fill the fields with the information about the new term: 


• Name: name which will be displayed along with the icon on the product page

• Thumbnail: Image icon to the product page.


3. To finish, just click on “Create taxonomy Term” and the term will be created and added to the section.


** Note: to know how to add Icons on CMS, access Content > Media > Add Media > Icon Pack (/media/add/icon_pack). You can add a name of the Icon pack, being able to add several at the same time in the Icons field.



Section content: Nutrient


1. Choose the category Nutrient, will appear the following options:


• Nutrient: field to search by the nutrient name, that must to be registered in the Taxonomy “Product: Nutrient”;

• Weight: it's about the amount of the nutrient in the product and which unit of measurement;

• Reference Value: Volume of the product that contains the amount of nutrient informed.


2. Click on “Add Product: Section Content: Nutrient: Content” to add the nutrient to the section.


3. To add a new Nutrient, go to Taxonomy “Product: Nutrient” in Structure > Taxonomy search for Product: Nutrients, click on "List Terms" and after "Add Term". Fill the following information:


• Name: name that will be search and displayed on the Product page. 

 Description: write a short description about the nutrient (optional);

• Icon: icon that will be searched for in the icons added in the environment or uploaded there;

• Published: leave this option active to publish the nutrient;


4. Click on "Save" and the new Nutrient will be available.



Section Content: Simple Text


1. When selecting the Simple Text content, just add the text that will be in its content and it will already be associated with the section.



Configuring: Product Settings


1. In the “Product Settings” tab, the page color configuration is defined.


Top Container:


1. The “Top Container” refers to the first section of the page, Here you can edit the following characteristics: 


• Background Color: choose a color for the background section;

• Title Color: choose a color for the titles (Ref: Latinha 269ml)

• Description Color: choose a color for the description texts (Ref: “A nossa queridinha...”)

• Description Subtitle Color: choose a color for the information text about the product (Ref: 8.00; (2); 4,6%; American Lager)

• Subtitle Color: Choose a color for the subtitles (Ref: Amargor; Corpo; Teor Alcoolico; Estilo)







1. On the Navigation tab, you can define the colors of the buttons that navigate between the packages in the first section:


• Text Color (Desktop): choose a color that will be on the buttons label non-active on desktop;

• Text Color (Mobile): choose a color that will be on the buttons label non-active on mobile;

• Background Color (Desktop): choose a color that will be on the buttons background non-active on desktop;

**Note: The active pack button inverts the colors of Text Color e Background Color.



Bottom Container:


1. In the tab “Bottom Container” you can choose the colors of the second page section, where are displayed the information added in tab "Sections". The information that can be configured are:


 Title Color: choose the color for the title sections (Ref: Ingredientes; Origem);

• Subtitle Color: choose the color for the subtitles (Ref: Lúpulo; Malte; Brasil);

• Description Color: choose the color for the type section Simple Text and the information  about the nutrients;

• Icon Color: choose the color for the icons;

• Background Image (Desktop): choose the color for the bottom background for desktop;

• Background Image (Mobile): choose the color for the bottom background for mobile;




2. To finish, save as "Published" and click on "Save".