
Profile: Create New Profile

Edited 2 years 10 months ago


Create new users to access the CMS.

          ⚠️ Attention: The user must be created on the website of the brand specifically. Which means, when the user is created in the specific URL, he won't be able to access other brands/websites.



Step by Step:

1. To create a new user, access the website to give the access;

2. Go to Manage > People (/admin/people);

3. Click the button "+ Add User"

4. Inform:

* E-mail;

* User;

     * We recommend to use: name.surname;

* Password and confirmation;

     * We recommend to use a password generator, there's lots of websites that have this functionality with no cost;

     * And later, the user can change his password into a personal one.

* Status;

     * If you don't want the user to have access to the platform yet, select the option Status: Blocked;

     * If you wish to give access to the user immediately, select the option Status: Active.

* Roles:

     * Multiple selection, which can be:

          * Administrator:

               * Can access the whole platform. Recommended only to admin users.

          * ABInBev:

                * ABInBev users. Just like the admins, can access the whole platform.

          * Editor:

               * Can only create and edit pages, but, can only save as draft and not publish it.

          * Publisher:

               * Can only publish pages.

* Checkbox to "Notify user about new account";

* Website language.

5. After filling all the fields, click the button "Create new account".