
Structure: Footer Top

Edited 3 years 2 months ago


Create the itens on the footer, but only the links on the superior field. The links on the inferior field is registered in another place.

Step by Step:

1. To create a new menu item, access the CMS and go to Manage > Structure > Menus > Main Footer Top (/admin/structure/menu/manage/menu-footer-top?destination=/admin/structure/menu);

2. Click the "+ New Link" button;

3. Fill the following fields:

* Menu Title: Inform the name of the link that'll show on the menu.

* Link: Inform the URL that the user will be redirected to.

     * Internal Links: If you wish to redirect the user to a page inside your website, it's possible to inform only the link after the /. For an example, if you want to redirect to:, only type /this-link.

     * External Links: For links outside the domain of your website, inform the whole URL, starting with the http://.

Open the "Atribute" accordion.

* Target:

     * New window (_blank): In this option, the URL will open on a new tab of the browser.

     * Same window (_self): In this option, the URL will open on the same tab of the browser that the user is currently in.

Attention: Only make these changes!

4. When finished, click the "Save" button.