Component Menu


    Time Countdown

    A countdown clock which displays the days, hours, minutes and seconds left until a specific time.

    Edited 1 year 11 months ago



      Step by Step


      1. In the Layout Canvas of your page, click on the “+” button, search for the Time Countdown in the components list, and drag and drop in the position that you want.


      2. To customize, click twice on the component:



      • Day, Month, and Year: inform the date to countdown. The date format must be as in the example below.


      • UTC: select your UTC option on the list. This refers to universal time.

      • Hour: Inform the hour to countdown. The format must be "HH : MM", as in the example below



      • Desktop and Mobile: select an image file for the background to the desktop and mobile format.

      • Background color: if you want a solid color as the background, choose a color option.


      • HTML element: An identifier that must be unique throughout the site. Your goal is to identify the element when navigating anchors. Anchoring allows the current element to be accessed through links and/or buttons, as long as they belong to the same domain (site).


      3. Click on "Apply" to save.