Component Menu


    Newsletter with consent

    This component is a registration form to receive news from a brand.

    Edited 1 year 8 months ago



      Step by Step


      1. On the page that you wish to add the Newsletter component, click the "+" button on the Layout Canvas;


      2. Search the Newsletter component on the list, it is located in the "General Components" category;


      3. Drag and drop the component inside the canvas, you can use this component inside of container type, such as Two Columns.


      Configuring the Component:


      1. Click twice on the component and set the configurations:


      Text Information:

      • Title: inform a title form. Ex: "Subscribe to our Newsletter".

      • Text: inform the newsletter purpose. Ex: "Receive exclusive brand news and benefits".



      • Custom Classes:

      • Icon: select an image file to use as a logo in the form.

      • Background color: choose a color option for the form background. You can select a transparent color.

      • Width: inform the size width of the content. Ex: 460px


      Fields Stylish:

      • Submit/Text field/ Checkboxes: choose the color options for the submit button, input field, and checkboxes.


      Font Stylish:

      • Text color: choose the text color of the form.

      • Heading/ Text Font Size: inform a size for the Heading and the text.

      • Text align: inform if you want the content form aligned to the right, left, or center.

      • Link color: choose the color for the link text.


      2. Click on "Apply" to save it.