Component Menu


    Header by Page

    A basic header component that turns into a Hamburger-style menu on mobile.

    Edited 1 year 10 months ago



      Step by Step


      Editing The Master Template:


      1. First, to apply the Header component that you want, go to Site Studio > Templates > Master Template.


      2. Verify which template is marked as default, then select the edit option.


      ** Note: If you want, you can create a new template by clicking on “Add Master Template”, then set it as thenew default template.


      3. In the Layout Canvas, click on the “+” button and search for the Header by Page that you want in the Components list.


      4. Drag and drop the Header by Page into the Canvas, and make sure that it’s the first component of the page.


      Customizing the Component:


      1. Click Twice on the component to customize it.


      • Logo: select the logo image file and inform the URL to anchor the logo.


      • Styles: choose the colors for the header background and navigation links (labels). 


      • Links: inform the link label and select which page you want to link by searching for it's name. 


      2. To add other links on the header, just click on "+Add" at the bottom, and fill in the fields.


      3. Click on "Apply" to save it, and after, click on "Save" to finish the Master template.