About Age Gates
Sites which advertise content inappropriate for users under a specific age must have some kind of restriction. Using an Age Gate you can ensure that content will be shown to the users which had their age checked.
Edited 2 years 8 months ago


The types available of Age Gates are:
Click on the Age Gate that you want to check the specific instructions.
• Age Checker: Has a toggle button with language selector, province selector, three fields to fill with birthday, month, and year, and a button to confirm.
• Age Gate [Global]: Has a language selector and a second screen with Yes or No age gate.
• Age Gate Type 1 [Full Date]: Age gate with 3 fields (day, month, year) and a enter button, also have a "Remember me" checkbox.
• Smart Age Gate with Footer: has one field to fill the year of birth and a "Remember me" checkbox.
• Simple Age Gate: has a simple text to ask the age and buttons "Yes" and "No" to answer.