Component Menu


    Loading Page

    This component presents a GIF before the entire page is loaded, so the user will not see the images being loaded in parts. Is recommended on pages that contain many images that take longer to load.

    Edited 1 year 10 months ago



      Step by Step


      1. To configure this option go to Appearance > Settings > Core BR-White Label.


      2. On the section ABInbev - Style Guide > loading page, set a color for the background and insert the GIF.


      3. Click on "Save configurations".


      Customizing the Component:


      1. At the page that you wish to add the Loading Page component, click the "+" button on the Layout Canvas;


      2. Search the Loading Page component on the list, it is located in the "Interactive Components" category;


      3. Drag and drop the component inside the canvas, and make sure to put it as the first item on the page.


      4. Just click on "Save" to finish it.