Component Menu


    Banner Image - Type 3

    The Banner Image component can be used to highlight contents and campaigns generally on the top of the pages.

    Edited 1 year 11 months ago



      Step by Step 


      1. At the page where you wish to add the Banner Image - Type 3 component, click the "+" button on the Layout Canvas;


      2. Search the Banner Image - Type 3 component on the list, it is located in the "Content Components" category;


      3. Drag and drop the component inside the canvas, and make sure to put it exactly where you wish to place it.


      Customizing the Component:


      1. To configure it, click twice on the component and fill the fields:


      • HTML Element ID:  An identifier that must be unique throughout the site. Your goal is to identify the element when navigating anchors. 


      • Image Shadow: select "ON" if you want a shadow over the image.


      • Desktop/Mobile: select an image file for the desktop and mobile format. Pay attention to the image resolution required. 


       Image Properties: inform an image title and image Alt and select an image height on the list.

         ◦ Image title: inform a name for the image, it’s important for SEO.

         ◦ Image Alt: inform a description for the image, it’s important for accessibility resources


      Call To Action (Text block) optional

      • Desktop/Mobile Block alignment: Select the position of the text block inside the container.


      • Title: to format the title, select the Heading, Font style option, inform the title and choose a Font size and color option.


      • Description: it's the text that will display below the title. To format this, select the Font style option, write the description text and choose a Font size and color option.


      • Type and Date: inform the type name and date. 


      Button: to activate the button, select "ON" and fill the fields:

      • Button Action: select if you want a button for redirect link, download content, or Where to Buy.


      • Button Properties: to Link or Download button, inform:

          ◦ Text: Inform a label for the button

          ◦ Title: type a description for the button.

          ◦ Type: select a button type option on the list.

          ◦ Color: sets the color of the text and border of the button

          ◦ Alignment: choose an alignment option.


      • Button- Link: if it's a button link, inform the URL of the page and select a Target option.


       Button - Download: to add content for download, check the instructions here, and after search the content by the name.


      • Button - Where to Buy: here select the option "Add Integration code", and after informing the Integration Code provided by 2Buy Integration.


      2. Click on "Apply" to save it.