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    Loading Page - Text and Image

    With this component you can set a loading page status triggered by some events of browser.

    Edited 7 months 1 week ago






      Propagate visual status through page navigation:





      Step by step:


      Component structure in Layout Canvas (Master Template):


      This component should be used on master template to work accuratly in all the pages.


      1. On the master template that you want to add the componento to, click the + on the Layout Canvas;


      2. Search the list for the Loading Page - Text and Image component and add it by taking it and dragging it to the Layout Canvas;




      Component customization:




      1. Double-click on the Loading Page - Text and Image component to edit;

      2. Edit the following fields:



      TAB: Settings



           • Event Type: 



      1. Set a value for the "Event Type" field to choose which event js is the trigger to the loading process occurs.
      2. Set the trigger to the event run. This trigger should be the css/html selector to start the event. e.g.: for submit use the form tag or the id form tag (something like: #block-componentfilters form), is necessary.  
      3. Trigger Target field available only for events:  
      • Click
      • Double Click
      • Submit



      All events availables for this components: click, double click, submit, before unload, load;



           • Trigger Target: Works as a selector from js, use it to select an element or reference to trigger the event.  



      TAB: Content


           • Message: Set the message to show above the image or gif;

           • Image uploader: Add an image to represent some status when event is running;

           • Title Image: Add a title to the image;

           • Alternative Text for image: Add a alternative text for acessibility;



      TAB: Style



      The brackground always will have a blur of 8px, but the color you can change on the background color field.


           • Background Color: Set the background color for the component;

           • Text Color: Set the color for the message;

           • Font Size: Set the font size for the message, user only numbers (the system put the px unit automatically);



      To set your font-family, go to the Appearance > Settings > Core BR - White Label > Style guide > ABinbev Typography > Font Family > Tertiary Font