Component Menu


    Full Background Animation - bees

    This wrapper component allows you to have an background color changing when scrolling.

    Edited 1 year 3 months ago



      Step by step:


      1. First, you need to add an Full Background Animation - bees. To do that, go to the page that you want to add this component, and click the “+” on the Layout Canvas;


      2. Search in the list for the Full Background Animation - bees and add it by dragging the component into the Layout Canvas;



      3. After that you can take a look on the options:



      The idea of this component is simple:


      * add it as a wrapper;

      * put all components that you want inside of it;

      * Set the initial color (background color field) and the background color for when the scrolling animation occurs;


      4. Set your colors and click at "apply" button.