Component Menu


    Related Content By Tag

    This component will display all the News content related to a specific Tag. 

    Edited 1 year 11 months ago



      Step by Step


      Adding News:


      1. You need to register the tag and it needs to have news related to that tag.


      2. First, go to Structure > Taxonomy, search for “Tags”, select the List terms option and click on “Add Term”.


      3. Inform a name for your new tag, select a language and click on “Save” to finish.


      4. Back to Taxonomy main, search for “Type”, select the List terms option and click on “Add Term.


      5. Inform a name for your new Type, select a language and click on “Save” to finish.


      Creating News:


      1. To create News content, go to Content > Add content > News and fill the following fields:

      • • Title: give a title for your news.

      • • Description: write a short and full description of the news.

      • Video: if want to add a video, select the provider and search for the video or paste the URL.

      • Playlist: Add a video playlist.

      **Note: adding a video or creating a playlist is optional.



      • • Internal Images: the image that will be shown on the news

      • Image card: the image that will be shown on the card of the news

      **Note: Apply all the crops required for the images.



      • Tags: search the Tag that you created.

      • Type: select the Type that you created on the list.



      • • Template: select the template Default

      • Author: inform the name of the author

      • • Card type: select the type, transparent or solid

      • Save as: select the Published option to your news page to be available


      2. Click on "Save" to finish.



      Layout Canvas Structure:


      1. On the page that you wish to add the Related Content by Tag component, click the + button on the Layout Canvas;


      2. Search the Related Content by Tag component on the list, it is located in the "Content Components" category;


      3. Drag and drop the component inside the canvas, and make sure to put it exactly where you wish to place it.



      4. To customize, click twice on the component:


      • Title: inform the title of the page and choose the color, font family and font size.


      • Tags: in the field Entity, inform the Tag which you put in the News content.


      5. Click on "Apply" to save.