Component Menu


    About Containers

    In general, components of Container type are used to accommodate other components and thus build the page structure.

    Edited 2 years 4 months ago



      The Containers are very flexible components, because they can be used in different ways. 

      Below, are some using examples of containers. To know more about an specific container, click on the image.



      • Accordion Container: hide text under a title and it will only be shown when the user interacts with the component. It is often used for FAQs.

      Accordion Container with an Accordion Items




      • Banner Container: Use this component to properly store Banner Image or Banner Video, with the possibility to make a slider of banners

      Banner Container with two banner image 




      • Container Advanced: use this container to group components together or have them nicely arranged.

      Container  advanced with background image




      • Slider Container Advanced: Just like the Slider Container, but there are more options to customize. An example of it: You can set to make a slider without infinite loop

      Slider Container Advanced with image cards





      • Simple Container Scroll: Add a scrolling section to your page for places where the elements may not fit the screen or should not take too much space. 

      Simple Container Scroll with tag menu




      • Solid Container: A simplified version of the Container component, with size fixed at 100% of the placement width.

      Solid container with product card




      • Title and CTA: This component is used to place text (with or without a button) on one side, and content on the other.

      Slider container with product cards inside of Title and CTA container




      • Two Columns: Arrange your components in two parallel columns with ease.

      Slider container and paragraph inside of Two columns container