Component Menu


    Instagram Embeding

    With this component, you can embed Instagram images on your website.

    Edited 1 year 10 months ago




      Step by Step


      Set the Access Token:


      1. For this component to work properly, first you must have an Access Token. If you don't have one, you can create it by following the tutorial in this link:


      2. With the Access Token, go to Content> Site Settings, search for Instagram Settings on the list and click on "Creating Setting".


      3. Inform the Access Token, select the limit of items to display, and click on "Save" to finish.


      Layout Canvas Structure:


      1. In the Layout Canvas of the page that you want to add the Instagram Embeding, click on "+" and search for the component.


      2. Drag and drop the component in the position that you want and click twice on it to configure it.


      3. Follow the instructions below to set up the component:


      • Title configuration: write a title to the section and select a heading option. To know which heading type to choose, click here. 


      • Content configuration: select a content width and the number of cards per line on mobile and desktop.


      •  Color configuration: select a color for the title and content background.


      • Align configuration: choose an alignment option for the title and content. 


      • Spaces configuration: select the content's spacing and padding.


      4. Click on "Apply" to save it.