Component Menu


    Tag Menu Anchor

    The Tag menu offers an option to facilitate navigation on your website. With this component, you can add links to redirect the users to other content.

    Edited 1 year 10 months ago



      Step by Step 


      1. Go to the page that you want to add a Tag Menu Anchor and click the “+” on the Layout Canvas;


      2. Search for the component Tag Menu Anchor and add it by taking the component and dragging it to the Layout Canvas;



      Customizing the Component:


      1. Click twice on the component, and select your options:




      • Background: choose if you want a background with an image or a solid color.  For the image option, select a file for mobile and desktop, for color just choose an option on the list.


      • Padding: select a size option for the padding top and bottom.


      • Font: scroll the point to select a size for the title to mobile and desktop.


      • Style: select "On" to add a separator between the links.

      • Text color: choose a color option for the text links.


      • Scrollbar: select "On" to activate the scrollbar on the menu.

      • Center mode: toggle "On" to the tags aligned on the center of block or leave in "Off" to align it on the left side.




      • Title: write a label for the link.

      • Link: paste a link or search by writing the name. If you leave it empty, it will not show the button inside the page.

      • Target: choose where your page will open.

         ◦ New window: When selecting this option, the link will open in a new browser tab. This option is recommended for external links (other sites).

         ◦ Same window: When selecting this option, the link will open in the same tab as the user's browser. This option is recommended for external links (site links);


      2. To add more links, click on "+Add" and fill the fields.


      3. To save your customizations, click on "Apply".