Latest news by type
Displays the most recent content arranged in cards.
Edited 2 years ago
Step By Step
Adding Tags and Type:
1. You need to register the type inside the Taxonomy and it needs to have news related to that type.
2. First, go to Structure > Taxonomy, search for “Tags”, select the List terms option and click on “Add Term”.
3. Inform a name for your new tag, select a language and click on “Save” to finish.
4. Back to Taxonomy main, search for “Type”, select the List terms option and click on “Add Term
5. Inform a name for your new Type, select a language and click on “Save” to finish
Creating News:
1. To create a news, go to Content > Add content > News
2. Fill the following fields:
- • Settings
- ◦ Title: give a title for your news
- ◦ Description: write a short and a full description of the news.
◦ Video: if want to add a video, select the provider and search for the video or paste the URL.
◦ Playlist: Add a video playlist
◦ Images:
- - Internal Images: the image that will be shown on the news
- - Image card: the image that will be shown on the card of the news
**Note: Apply all the crops required for the images.
• Categories:
◦ Tags: search the Tag that you created
◦ Type: select the Type that you created on the list
- • General:
◦ Template: select the template
◦ Author: inform the name of the author
◦ Card Type: select the type, transparent or solid
◦ Save as: select the Published option to your news page to be available
3. Click on the Save button to finish.
Layout Canvas Structure:
1. At the page that you wish to add the Latest News by Type component, click the + button on the Layout Canvas;
2. Search the Latest News by Type component on the list, it is located in the "Cards Components" category;
3. Drag and drop the component inside the canvas, and make sure to put it exactly where you wish to place it.
4. Clicking twice, select the news type that you created before, and click “Apply” to save.