This component automatically opens a window over the current page, allowing users to highlight content or information when an user accesses a certain page.
Edited 2 years 1 month ago


Step by Step
1. At the page that you wish to add the Popup component, click the "+" button in the Layout Canvas;
2. Search the Popup component on the list. It's located in the "General Components" category;
3. Drag and drop the component inside the canvas, and make sure to put it exactly where you wish to place it.
Customizing the Component:
1. Click twice on the component and select the options that you want:
• Overlay Configuration: overlay is the modal block that is above the site, separating the site content from the modal content. Choose a color for the close button and the background.
• Overlay transparent: Leave the toggle OFF if you want a solid color or turn it ON if you want a transparent color instead. You can set the opacity on the field beside the toggle option.
• Content configuration: choose a color for the content background and set a border radius, padding, and the modal width
• Cookie settings: This field is used to define how long the popup should open again for the user.
2. Click on "Apply" to save it.