Tag Menu Anchor
The Tag menu offers an option to facilitate navigation on your website. With this component, you can add links to redirect the users to other content.
Edited 2 years 2 months ago
Step by Step
1. Go to the page that you want to add a Tag Menu Anchor and click the “+” on the Layout Canvas;
2. Search for the component Tag Menu Anchor and add it by taking the component and dragging it to the Layout Canvas;
Customizing the Component:
1. Click twice on the component, and select your options:
• Background: choose if you want a background with an image or a solid color. For the image option, select a file for mobile and desktop, for color just choose an option on the list.
• Padding: select a size option for the padding top and bottom.
• Font: scroll the point to select a size for the title to mobile and desktop.
• Style: select "On" to add a separator between the links.
• Text color: choose a color option for the text links.
• Scrollbar: select "On" to activate the scrollbar on the menu.
• Center mode: toggle "On" to the tags aligned on the center of block or leave in "Off" to align it on the left side.
• Title: write a label for the link.
• Link: paste a link or search by writing the name. If you leave it empty, it will not show the button inside the page.
• Target: choose where your page will open.
◦ New window: When selecting this option, the link will open in a new browser tab. This option is recommended for external links (other sites).
◦ Same window: When selecting this option, the link will open in the same tab as the user's browser. This option is recommended for external links (site links);
2. To add more links, click on "+Add" and fill the fields.
3. To save your customizations, click on "Apply".